by hmdg | Dec 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
The scourge of many a poor pregnant woman is pain – specifically pain in the pelvic girdle(PGP). This pain is differentiated from lower back pain (but can occur simultaneously) as it is below the big pelvic bones in the back to the fold below your buttock and can also...
by hmdg | Dec 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
An increasing number of people that come to see me are not in immediate acute pain but are actively trying to avoid future injury or disease by having preventative treatment and gaining advice. The useful analogy of health is a four-legged table each...
by hmdg | Dec 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
After the excesses of the holiday season we set off all too often in the New Year to a great start of good intentions. We will lose the weight, change the habits and start exercising. Now, excuse me for being negative, but there is little more depressing than setting...
by hmdg | Dec 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
The WHO states that healthy sexual function is a human right, but sex is the opposite of football – everybody does it but nobody talks about it. Look around you in the media and it is everywhere, but apart from the occasional snigger most people don’t talk about this...
by hmdg | Nov 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
The Mummy MOT offers integrated postnatal physiotherapy and functional fitness for women from 6 weeks after giving birth. This enables early identification of potential issues in breathing, posture and the pelvic floor that may arise as a result of pregnancy and...
by hmdg | Oct 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
The last decade or so has seen a move towards a more holistic view of health. I, for one, have never understood the dualist approach of mind and body as separate entities…Working with people on a daily basis, it is impossible not to see how the psyche affects the body...